I'm a lawyer who represents people who have been arrested and charged with all types of criminal offenses.
I have defended people charged with serious violent felonies, sex offenses, theft and burglary charges, fraud charges, drug trafficking and drug possession charges, domestic violence charges, driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and many other felony and misdemeanor charges.
I'm a trial lawyer. That means, when I take on a new case, I always begin with the question: what's my strategy for getting a Not Guilty verdict at trial?
We all know that a notoriously high number of criminal cases do not, in fact, ever go to trial. Most cases are disposed of in court through plea deals or dismissals.

But I still start with the assumption that my client is going to exercise their right to a jury trial.
Of course, it's always my client's final choice - never mine. If circumstances change and other, more attractive options become available, we'll cross that bridge together when we get there. If you're scared of going to trial and want to avoid it if at all possible, you can tell me that. I'll definitely understand, and that information will stay between us.
But I'm never going to assume from the start that we're just going to plead out the first chance we get. The possibility of going to trial is usually the only card we have to play against the government's stacked deck. Prosecutors know that I'm always ready, willing, and able to take any of my cases to trial and win. They know I pride myself on being the most prepared attorney in the room. And it's my experience and my reputation that helps us arrive at what I hope will be the best possible outcome for your case, whether that's a trial, a plea, or a dismissal of your criminal charges.
Of course, the end result of a criminal case is not your only concern.
If you're facing a serious charge and are not given a bond, or are given a high bond with unreasonable conditions attached, I'm going to fight to get you out of jail and free to fight your case from the outside. If you're arrested for DUI, we're going to figure out what the best strategy to deal with any driver's license suspension you received upon your arrest. If your case demands the services of an expert witness or a defense investigator, we'll talk about how to best prepare your case before we get to court.
Every case really is different. There's no cookie-cutter way to do this work. I look forward to talking to you, listening to your side of the story, and putting together a plan to get the best result I can for your criminal case, no matter what you're charged with.